What Do Strong Readers Do After They Read

What We Learned in Part 1

In What Effective Readers Practise When Reading (Office one), nosotros outlined what effective readers exercise differently when reading that separates them from poor readers.

In Role 1, we discussed how proficient readers use their groundwork knowledge to help them connect to what they are reading.

We also discussed how strong readers apply visualization strategies to help them understand what they are reading and picture in their mind how the story action is unfolding. They besides visualize what the characters wait like and how they feel equally the story progresses.

In nonfiction, they may visualize processes or relationships betwixt concepts.

Effective readers prioritize the importance of the ideas they are reading in the text. In gild to summarize a text or brand inferences about what they have read, students must start be able to determine what information is important in the text. They must be able to distinguish between important information and data that may be interesting but not essential for agreement of the concept.

In this post, nosotros volition continue to examine what research says about what makes the difference betwixt skillful readers and poor readers.

Teens Enjoy Relaxing with a Good Book

Effective Readers Summarize Information

Constructive readers have a deep and insightful understanding of the text that they are reading.

When they cease reading, they tin can synthesize or summarize what they have read into the key points. They can retell these chief ideas to others in a logical and sequential fashion. Adept readers are able to retell the gist of a story they accept read. They can also place the important events of the story into a proper sequence.

Proficient readers tin can talk about the text, construct thoughts or ideas virtually the content and mesh what they have learned with their own previous learning on the topic.

You can help your students better their skill in summarizing information past asking students to cease and summarize what they are reading – either orally or in writing – at strategic points in the text. Inquire, "Who can summarize what nosotros have read in this role of the (novel, chapter, commodity, etc.)?" In one case a student has provided information, ask other class members if they can add together annihilation more to the summary.

Practicing these skills orally or in writing will increase student skills in summarizing.

Summarizing text helps students identify the important ideas from a text while discarding unimportant ideas. Summarizing primal points helps students improve their memory about what they have read. It also helps them retain information longer and sympathize what they accept read more than deeply.

Strong, Effective Readers Synthesize What They Read

When students synthesize information, they use their groundwork knowledge and their new learning from the text.

They develop insights about the text and form ideas and opinions of their own. When readers synthesize a text, they bring their own thoughts, ideas, experiences, and groundwork knowledge to their reading. They make connections to "go beyond" the surface ideas presented in the text. Effective readers utilize their insights and analysis to explicate how their thinking has grown or changed over fourth dimension.

Ask students to talk most what they thought about the topic or data.

Ask them to think well-nigh how their thinking has changed or evolved as they read more data on the same topic. Employ metacognitive strategies to aid students respond questions like: "I used to think…… but now I remember….." to deepen their abilities to synthesize data. When students observe conflicting information, ask them to consider the reliability of the information they have constitute – especially online – and to verify the facts with additional reliable sources.

Effective readers reflect on what they have read.

They talk to others to clarify their questions or confusions and sort out key data to add to their own storehouse of knowledge. They mesh new cognition with existing noesis to build a solid set of beliefs and understandings about various topics. Effective readers are able to summarize and synthesize data from multiple sources to course deeper levels of understanding about a topic.

Good Readers Have Expansive Vocabulary Noesis

Skillful readers have an expansive vocabulary they tin apply to talk about text.

They tin make comparisons between topics and characters because they accept a good storehouse of adjectives to use when describing these elements. Students reverberate on discussion meaning and seek to understand the nuances between different words. They detect words they hear and words they come up across in their reading and add together them to their word storehouses.

Assistance your students expand their vocabulary storehouse by education words in categories and helping them learn the multiple meaning of words.

Students tin can also aggrandize their discussion noesis by playing word games – both online and off line – that make vocabulary learning fun and engaging.

Identify the important prefixes, suffixes and root words that unlock significant in your content area. Systematically teach these important affixes to your students every bit they connect to your content. By breaking apart unknown words into its word parts, the meaning of many more words can exist unlocked.

Read: What Good Readers Exercise When Reading (Part 1)

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Source: https://threadsofreading.com/index.php/2020/11/13/what-effective-readers-do-when-reading-part-2/

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