I Dont Know if I Should Take It Easy or

Think you might need to leave your job? Maybe you're wondering, worrying, stressing about it. That's only human.

But I'm guessing that you've been wondering about it for a while—and you're struggling to make a decision.

If that's you, cut yourself some slack. Making the decision to stay or leave isn't as easy as others pretend it is. In fact, these career decisions are hard, and not always for the reasons you think.

There are secrets to making the right decision for you.

classified secrets to stay or leave your job

Let's dive into them now.

Wondering if you should stay or go? Take the Quiz. Get a Plan.

To Stay or To Leave Your Job? Four Secrets to Help You Decide

Secret #1: You don't have to leave your job to change your life at work.

What if everything you needed at work was actually right in front of you, right now?

perfect to stay or leave your job

Here's a surprising fact: often, it is.

You're unhappy or frustrated at work because something needs to change.

But you have more power than you realize the make the change you need–right where you are, because you control three things:

  • Everything you think
  • Everything you say, and
  • Everything you do.

That's all. But it's enough.

I go into this in-depth in my book, "Red Cape Rescue: Save Your Career Without Leaving Your Job." Download the first section free here.

Yes, that means that when you take back control, you might not have to throw yourself into the crazy and unpredictable job market, wasting time and energy uploading resumes that no one ever reads.)

You have more options than you realize to change your life at work without changing everything in your life. You can get an action plan in your inbox when you take my quiz here:

And these aren't pie-in-the-sky, fantasy options; they're the real deal for the real you.

Once you understand the secret that you don't have to leave your job to change your life at work, you're ready for real change that can make all the difference.

Secret #2: There's one big thing you need to help you decide what's next for you.

Just one.

just one thing you need to decide whether to stay or leave your job | Red Cape Revolution

Sounds a lot simpler than the thousands of things other people are telling you that you need, right?

Oh, and it's NOT a resume. Resumes are traps. More here.

And it's not more options. You actually have several, just as you are.

Time after time, here's all you need in order to make better career decisions about what's next for you.

You need clarity.

You may know what you don't want (your current boss/commute/schedule/paycheck, etc.), but what the heck DO you want?

Too often, we start thinking about new opportunities from the outside in. Who's hiring? What are they looking for? Instead, the ONLY way job happiness emerges is if we first get clear on our inside—what WE want—before we look outside.

It's not easy to get clear. The noise is loud about what we "should" be and "should" want. Don't listen to the noise—listen to the most important person in your life at work: YOU.

It's time to get brave and get clear about not only what you want, but who you are and what's important to you right now.

Need help? My on-demand class Get Career Clear guides you through my proven process to understand what you want in your life at work right now. In just a few hours, you'll have more insights into what you really want than you've had for years. Learn more and start immediately here.

Secret #3: Your next step doesn't have to be your last—no matter how old you are.

Are you too old for some things? Well, if it's hot pants and extreme sports, probably. (Except for you, Bob—but not both at once, please.)

But taking a new step in your working life? Today, the reality is it's never too late.

At Red Cape Revolution, let's help you decide to stay or leave your job

Let's look at what's true.

  • Vera Wang didn't start designing clothes until she was 39.
  • Ray Kroc was 51 when he stumbled upon the hamburger stand that later became McDonalds.
  • Bernie Marcus co-founded The Home Depot at age 50.
  • Susan Boyle never sang professionally until her "Britan's Got Talent" debut at age 48.
  • Ronald Reagan wasn't elected to public office until he was 55.

People are changing paths more often, and even working longer–not just because they have to earn a living, but in many cases today, because they want to do meaningful work while they're alive.

(Over 50? Check out my advice just for you here.)

Increasingly, doing great work that works for you is not about your age–it's about your energy.

not your age your energy

Have you noticed how many energetic, vibrant 70+ old folks are out there? If you've been feeling zapped of any spark in your current gig, isn't it time to get that spark back before you feel as old as you are?

And remember this—no matter how old you are today, you're going to be older tomorrow.

So why are you waiting?

Secret #4: You're not alone. There's help.

That's why we're here for you at Red Cape Revolution. Career decisions are more complicated than ever, and yet we try so hard to make them all alone.

you are here and time to decide to stay or leave your job

Know you're not alone. Become part of our free Insider community and get the encouragement and support you need to make the decisions that are right for YOU.

What I know from working with successful professionals just like you is that you CAN change your life at work without changing everything in your life.

It's time to take back control of what you think, say and do so that you can take focused steps toward your new decision. (Psst: One good place to start is to get the action plan you'll get free when you take my quiz. )

Remember, you're not helping anyone by staying stuck and continuing to wonder whether you should stay or leave your job.

It's time to decide. The world needs you.

Wondering if you should stay or go? Take the Quiz. Get a Plan.

Want more? Read this next:

Here's Why Making Career Decisions Is Hard (& How To Make Them Easier)


Source: https://redcaperevolution.com/secrets-to-stay-or-leave-your-job/

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